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Optimal word count SEO: Guide for more rankings

CEO of SEO Galaxy

Last updated: 20.02.2025

Auf dem Bild zum Artikel Wortzahl SEO ist der mit Grün überzogene Schriftzug von SEO Galaxy zu sehen.

The most important facts in brief:

Whether 300, 500 or 2,000 words – there is no one right number for the perfect SEO text. Why? Because the optimal SEO text length depends on many factors, first and foremost the search intent of your target group. We’ll give you the best tips on how to find the right word count for your SEO texts and score points with relevant content!

Is there an ideal SEO text length?

There are many assumptions about the perfect word count for SEO texts. Some claim that the longer the content, the better the ranking. Others believe that short articles are the key to success. But what is really true?

What does Google itself say about the ideal text length?

Google has confirmed that the word count of a text is not a direct ranking factor. According to John Mueller, a well-known Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, it is more about the relevance of the content for the user. How many words the text of a website has is not the only decisive factor for a good ranking.

Instead, Google recommends focusing on the quality and added value of the content. Your texts should be well-structured, easy to understand and, above all, helpful for the reader. A high-quality article that covers all the important information is more valuable than a long text full of filler words.

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Relationship between search intent and text length

The optimal text length depends largely on the user’s search intention. For some keywords, users expect short, concise answers, while other topics require more detailed information. Here are a few examples:

  • Short texts (under 300 words): News, product pages, contact information

  • Medium text length (300-1000 words): Guidebooks, instructions, comparisons

  • Long texts (over 1000 words): Background articles, white papers, studies

It is crucial that you meet the needs of your target group with your content. Depending on the topic and industry, a different text length may be optimal.

Competitor analysis: word count of the top rankings for relevant keywords

To find the right text length for your page, it’s worth taking a look at the top rankings in the SERPs. Carry out a competitor analysis for your most important keywords and take a look at how long the top-ranking texts are. This will give you an indication of what length of text the search engines consider to be of high quality for these keywords.

Note, however, that a high word count alone is no guarantee for top rankings. You will score points with Google and your readers with high-quality, user-oriented texts of the right length.

Word count SEO: Best practices for more rankings

A rigid minimum length for blog articles or other content is of secondary importance. The decisive factor is that you meet the search intention in your articles and provide users with the desired information. We will show you the most important methods for achieving a high ranking with your texts.

Relevance and added value instead of minimum word count

John Mueller from Google emphasizes that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of the ideal text length. Instead, it is important to find the right length for each topic and each search query. While some content can be short and concise, others require a more detailed treatment. Orient yourself to the top rankings for your keywords and offer at least as much content as the competition – but always focus on quality rather than quantity.

Structure and readability: How to keep your text reader-friendly

A good structure is essential, especially for longer articles. Headings, short paragraphs and bulleted lists keep even extensive texts clear and easy to digest. Also pay attention to clear, understandable language and pleasant readability. Tools such as the Flesch Reading Ease Score or the Flesch Kincaid Grade help you to optimize your content.

Text length



No rigid guideline value

Headings, paragraphs, lists

Simple language, short sentences

Depending on topic & search intention

Overview & navigation for readers

Flesch value 60-70 (for 8th to 9th grade) ; overflight possible

Keyword density and synonyms for natural optimization

To optimize your texts for the search engine, include relevant keywords and synonyms. However, avoid an unnaturally high density or even keyword stuffing. Instead, the terms should appear organically in the text. Clever wording and paraphrasing can help you avoid repetition and still ensure good optimization. This allows Google to recognize the thematic relevance without compromising readability.

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The question of the optimal word count for SEO texts cannot be answered in general terms. As various studies show, the ideal length depends on the type of website, the topic and, above all, the user’s search intention. Instead of a fixed number of words, you should focus on offering real added value with your content and answering your target group’s questions comprehensively.

Thorough keyword research and an analysis of the top rankings for your most important search terms will give you valuable information on what text length is suitable for your pages. Ultimately, the quality of your content determines your SEO success: relevant, unique texts that help users are rated better by Google’s algorithm than text deserts crammed with keywords that are meaningless.

It is therefore better to invest more time in the planning and implementation of high-quality SEO texts than to focus on a specific word count. With reader-friendly texts that solve real problems and offer interesting information, you create the basis for better rankings and satisfied visitors – regardless of the exact length of your SEO texts.


Is there a general optimum word count for SEO texts?

No, there is no universal optimal text length for SEO texts. The ideal word count depends on many factors, such as the search intention, the competitive environment and, above all, the quality and relevance of the content. The decisive factor is to offer added value for the reader.

What role does text length play as a ranking factor?

Text length is an indirect ranking factor. It does not influence rankings directly, but can affect aspects such as relevance, reading time and user experience. Google emphasizes that the pure number of words is not a ranking criterion. Instead, it depends on the usefulness and added value of the content.

How do I find the right text length for my landing page?

To determine the ideal text length for an article, we recommend these steps: Conduct keyword research, analyze the existing top rankings for your target keywords and see how lengthy competitor articles are. More importantly, find out what search intent and expectations your target audience has – and fulfill them with relevant, structured content.

What is the minimum length of an SEO text?

There is no strict rule for a minimum SEO word count. In the past, 300 words was considered the lower limit in order to avoid “thin content”. Today, much longer texts are common for many search queries. Our recommendation: orient yourself to the first search results for your keywords and offer at least as much content as your competitors – ideally with a little more added value.

Can I also achieve good rankings with short texts?

Yes, even with short, concise texts you can be top-ranked for the right search terms. The prerequisite is that your text optimally fulfills the search intention. Some questions or keywords do not require long explanations. The following applies here: precision before quantity – provide exactly the information that the searcher expects. Google recognizes and rewards relevance. ✅

How do I make long texts reader-friendly?

Don’t worry – even long articles can be made user-friendly. Our tip: Structure the text sensibly with headings, short paragraphs and bulleted lists. Set visual accents with images, graphics or tables. Formulate simply and concretely, with examples and practical relevance. This will guide the reader through the text and keep their attention.

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Are you ready to increase your online success?

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