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Panda Update

CEO of SEO Galaxy

Last updated: 07.10.2022

What is the Panda update?

The so-called Panda Update owes its name not to the animal, but to its inventor Navneet Panda. The Panda update from the Google search engine is one of the extensive and regular updates in which content on websites is analyzed and evaluated. The aim of the Panda update is to distinguish good content from bad content and to penalize bad content. With the Panda update, Google has developed a good tool for classifying websites. This allows pages to be regularly checked and assessed for content.

What triggered the first Panda update?

When the first Panda update analyzed the quality of pages on 23 February 2011, there were massive changes in the search results. In Germany, there were effects from August 12, 2011. After the update was introduced, there were repeated small changes, but these no longer had a major impact on search results and positions.

What is the aim of the Panda update? 

Google always wants to provide users with the highest quality and most appropriate search results. Therefore, various criteria and clues must be used to determine whether a selected page can offer users added value or not. To do this, the search engine uses an algorithm that takes a close look at websites and compares them with others. The Panda update focuses its analysis primarily on content that is located directly on the websites.

The content quality of a page is evaluated by the Panda update based on various criteria. Users should evaluate websites based on certain factors. These include design, structure, user-friendliness and the quality of images and text. This data was then compiled and integrated into an algorithm. Visitor movements were also included in the system. This allows the algorithm to determine whether a site is good or bad based on user behavior.  

Which pages are classified as bad by Google?

If a website is classified as inferior by Google, this is also reflected in its ranking. Websites with poor content or an inadequate structure will not appear in the first SERGs. The clues that Google’s algorithm uses as a guide are varied. Although some are public and well-known, a number are also secret in order to prevent manipulation of search results. A page is classified as bad by Google if:  

  • duplicate content is present (duplicate content)

  • many external links can be found

  • there is very little original content

  • Users do not stay on the page for long

  • there is a lot of advertising on the website

Site operators should always make sure that these points do not apply to their own site. This is the only way to positively influence the algorithms and crawlers and achieve top positions on Google.

How can high-quality content be created?

In order to be displayed at the top of search results, high-quality content must be created and integrated. Content must be unique, must not be copied and should offer real added value for visitors. It is also important that keywords are set and media content such as images or videos are integrated correctly.

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Are you ready to increase your online success?

Make an appointment with us now and find out how we can help you achieve more success in search engine marketing. Whether you run a small business or a large corporation – we have tailor-made solutions for you.Get in touch with us now!