- Eifel-Maar-Park 10, 56766 Ulmen
“Before the collaboration, we had a permanent down-trend in the search results due to a website relaunch. Thanks to the quick help from SEO Galaxy, we were able to fix some technical errors that we would not have found. Since then, we have seen a significant increase in traffic.”
– Edgar Suppes, CEO of Grailify.com
more organic traffic per month
Visibility index (Sistrix)
Critical, big SEO mistakes
Grailify is perhaps the largest sneaker search engine in the German-speaking world. By connecting to sneaker stores as a search engine, tens of thousands of new products were added over a period of months, sometimes unnoticed. In addition, the search in the index was not crawlable for some content and the UX was not optimally designed. As a result, Grailify lost visibility in the ranking for months – and fell to 1/6 of its original value.
To begin with, we carried out an audit and checked the website for crawlability and technical errors. For projects of this size (tens of thousands of URLs), the focus is on technical SEO. Meta titles / title tags and the like are of much less relevance here. It is important that the project is readable for Google and hardly costs any crawling budget. We identified errors in the areas of indexing, product variants and hierarchies. As a result, a catalog of measures was created in the consultation with implementation help for Grailify. We also found that the project, despite a good brand, still had far too little authority. We carried out targeted link building for the DACH and USA / UK areas. The focus here was also on mentions and PR.
Shortly after correcting the errors, we were already able to see some changes in the area of visibility (doubling of visibility from 0.5 to SI of 1), but not for long. For us and the customer, this means that further SEO errors have emerged in the meantime. After research by us and the customer, the customer was able to inform us that tens of thousands more URLs had been created in recent weeks through APIs in existing sneaker online stores, but that these were hardly relevant. Together, we decided to make further changes and the customer implemented these on their own initiative. As bug fixing does not always have a direct impact on visibility, this sometimes takes several weeks or months for larger projects. This is also the case here, as the Sistrix visibility index shows.
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