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404 error page

CEO of SEO Galaxy

Last updated: 01.06.2022

Everyone who searches for content on the Internet is familiar with 404 error pages. This is always very annoying for interested parties, as they can no longer find the information they are looking for. Search engines don’t like this either – but if content needs to be deleted, there are user-friendly solutions.

What is a 404 error page?

A 404 error page is always displayed when a requested page is no longer available. This subpage usually contains an addition such as “404 page not available” or “404 Not Found”. The visitor therefore knows that the requested resource is no longer on the server.

What does the 404 status code mean?

The 404 status code is sent from the server to the browser (client). This lets the browser know that it is an error page. A link that returns the 404 error is referred to as a “broken link” or “dead link”.

What are the reasons for the 404 HTTP status code?

If a certain URL cannot be processed by the browser, a 404 error page is displayed. The most common reason why this HTTP status code is issued is the removal or relocation of content.

But there may also be other reasons:

  • URL was entered incorrectly in the browser bar.
  • URL structure was changed, links were not forwarded.
  • The server is not available or the connection has been interrupted.
  • The page move (or website relaunch) was not carried out correctly.

A 404 error usually goes unnoticed, which is also the reason why these pages are repeatedly encountered when surfing. It is worth registering your website with the Google Search Console, as this service also reports 404 errors. It is also helpful to set up monitoring.

What happens if no 404 error page has been set up?

Often no 404 error page has been defined or configured in the web design. This is a disadvantage for the requesting user, resulting in a negative experience. A further disadvantage arises for the Google bot, as it crawls the page and cannot access the resource and also does not receive a correct 404 error – all these circumstances lead to a negative signal, which will be reflected in the ranking. Many CMS systems therefore have an automatic 404 page, which is, however, rather user-unfriendly. The 404 page should be designed independently and carefully. For example, further content or a search function can be displayed.

What is a soft 404 error?

The soft 404 error always occurs when a URL that no longer exists is redirected to the start page using a 301 redirect. The situation is similar if Google suspects that a URL has been indexed twice.

What should a 404 error page look like?

Every CMS, including WordPress, has its own 404 error page – this is also a necessity. Not having a 404 page is a fatal mistake. You can create your own design so that visitors can still access their information. The advantage of this is that the length of stay increases.

Insert link to start page

Every CMS, including WordPress, has its own 404 error page – this is also a necessity. Not having a 404 page is a fatal mistake. You can create your own design so that visitors can still access their information. The advantage of this is that the length of stay increases.

Integrate search function

The search function is often used by visitors, which is why it should definitely be included on a 404 error page. It should also not be hidden, but clearly positioned in the field of vision.

Design should not deviate from the original layout

If no 404 error page has been defined, it could happen that a white page appears with the text “404 Not Found”, which is not ideal as the bounce rate is massively increased. This negative user signal leads to a poorer ranking.

How can a 404 error page be inserted?

If it is a static page, then another subpage with the label “404.html” or “404.php” must be created. This file must now be uploaded to the web server and the following text inserted in the .htaccess: “ErrorDocument 404/404.html” (or .php) However, this is different again with a content management system (CMS). There is usually a suitable setting for this in the theme. If you are working with a WordPress PageBuilder such as Elementor or Gutenberg, then a “404” subpage must be created.


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