What is Yahoo?
In addition to Google, there are other service providers with a similar offering. One of these companies is called Yahoo. Yahoo was founded in 1994, making it one of the oldest companies on the Internet. Yahoo’s services are still used by around 700 million people worldwide. The most popular products include Yahoo Mail, messenger services (chats), videos and news portals. Over the years, the company has also acquired other companies. These include the well-known photo portal Flickr. Most users who take advantage of Yahoo 2022’s services use Yahoo Mail. Although the number of users has been falling steadily for several years, there are still many people who use the well-known Yahoo Mail.
What services does Yahoo offer?
Just like many other companies on the Internet, Yahoo also offers various services. In Germany, the following Yahoo services are used most frequently:
Yahoo Mail
the Yahoo search engine
Yahoo News
Yahoo Messenger
Yahoo Mail is still so popular mainly because of its memorable name. The Yahoo search engine and the company’s news portals are also still frequently visited. With Flickr, Yahoo has secured a huge photo portal that is still unrivaled today.
What does Yahoo mean?
Yahoo actually means Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. However, Jerry Yang and David Filo, the two founders of Yahoo, said that the name Yahoo was chosen because of the translation of the word. The meaning of the name Yahoo can therefore be equated with unadulterated or uncouth.
How does Yahoo make money?
Especially in the early days, Yahoo’s main business consisted of advertising revenue. Before the turn of the millennium, the company was able to generate very high profits with this, until the dotcom bubble finally led to a slump in sales. Over the years, Yahoo’s turnover stagnated, which is why the company decided to make a change. The range of free services such as Yahoo Mail & Yahoo Chat was expanded to include paid services. At the same time as the change in strategy, Yahoo bought Tumblr for 1.1 billion euros and the sites HotJobs and Flickr also became so interesting for Yahoo that a takeover took place. In future, however, the company wants to concentrate on advertising revenue again. The revenue is to be generated by online magazines for mobile phone users on various topics. The advertising is to be displayed directly within the articles. In this way, the company hopes to further increase revenue.
Who founded Yahoo?
Yahoo founders David Filo and Jerry Yan worked on a navigation aid for the Internet very early on. They were doctoral students at the Faculty of Electronics at Stanford University when the company was founded. A collection of bookmarks gradually evolved into a real search engine.
How does Yahoo compare with other search engines?
According to surveys, Yahoo is the third most popular search engine in the world. The first two places are undisputedly occupied by Google and Bing.
Which Yahoo service is used most often?
The classic Yahoo mail service is still very popular and frequently used today. The ending @yahoo.de is still very popular in 2022. In addition to Yahoo Mail, Yahoo News is also still frequently visited.